November 2006

12 November 2006 - King's Lynn
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
SMSF 79 662 103 559 379 145 70 606 377 788
Heat 1 19 79 401 925 559 667 145 798 B96 211
Heat 2 103 379 414 871 156 231 702 348 788 38
Consolation 377 662 81 406 712 140 219 870 347 520
Final 156 379 401 702 348 38 103 377 347 925
GN 79 348 231 377 379 38 302 788 702 347
11 November 2006 - Birmingham
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 538 951 871 297 247 NI271 464 606 first 8 to final
Heat 2 4 183 220 507 305 780 448 903 first 8 to final
Heat 3 167 744 152 401 732 103 560 38 first 8 to final
Consolation 1 430 259 968 707 first 4 to final
C2 465 831 522 15 first 4 to final
Final 167 538 152 744 732 507 220 297 NI271 430
GN 401 152 101 38 744 360 15 375 220 297
5 November 2006 - Skegness
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 59 732 706 152 558 507 631 398 444 262
Heat 2 871 103 38 154 744 15 780 511 951 501
Consolation 156 560 29 247 212 231 421 81 351 825
Final 154 103 59 558 732 780 871 501 507 152
GN 291 631 732 231 501 103 560 152 15 744
5 November 2006 - Belle Vue
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 725 347 520 670 472 431 823 364 140 956
DotY 606 377 433 667 401 348 219 559 284 748
Consolation 926 145 299 788 13 833 702 362 656 355
Final 433 348 656 833 347 377 606 362 702 299
4 November 2006 - Taunton
  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
Heat 1 167 401 667 830 189 382 642 737 first 8 to final
Heat 2 38 676 254 430 538 111 138 613 first 8 to final
Consolation 14 393 522 877 719 205 990 707 550 nof
Final 642 676 38 667 430 393 538 189 254 111
GN 167 676 642 393 189 254 613 138 667 38

2006 Results

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