2023 MWA Note of Thanks


BriSCA F2 would like to extend its thanks to those listed below following the Motorsport With Attitude Show (MWA) held at the Staffordshire Showground over the weekend of 4th/5th February…

  • Zoe Simpson and Mike Thomas of #lovef2s for the planning, organisation, set-up and hosting of the #lovef2s BriSCA F2 stand where multiple cars were put on display alongside the release of the 2023 BriSCA F2 Fixture List.
  • Ben Chambers (#82), Sam Hooker (#381), Jessica Smith (#390), Dan Fallows (#581), John Sleeman (#603), and Luke Grimer (#808) for the immaculate preparation and loan of their cars for use on the #lovef2s BriSCA F2 stand.
  • Alan “Finn” Finnikin and Mark Gibbs (#578) for the loan and transportation of the restored Alistair Forsyth (#251) built 1999 space-frame car.
  • Steven and Dave Polley for the display of the new Dave Polley (#1), Liam Rennie (#3) and Andy Steward (#198) cars on their Polleysport stand, representing the sport through their business of car construction, parts and Yokohama tyre supply.
  • Harley Thackra (#9), Ben Bate (#161), and Jessica Smith (#390) for the preparation and display of their cars on the stands of WowGraphix, JRD Chassisworks, and ASD Racing Products respectively.
  • Kris Burgess at Spikey Graphics for the banner artwork.
  • Dave Rennie, event organiser, and his team (including officials from Crimond Raceway) for another successful MWA Show.

Congratulations are also in order for Liam Rennie (#3) and Polleysport, for winning the MWA “Best In Show” trophy for the immaculate new #3 machine.

The preparation of all the cars on display was of the highest order, and BriSCA F2 compliments all drivers, teams, and car builders on the many hours of preparation dedicated to showing the sport in such a positive light.


#1 - Dave Polley


#3 - Liam Rennie


#9 - Harley Thackra


#82 - Ben Chambers


#161 - Ben Bate


#198 - Andy Steward


#381 - Sam Hooker


#390 - Jessica Smith (Shale)


#390 - Jessica Smith (Tarmac)


#581 - Dan Fallows


#603 - John Sleeman


#808 - Luke Grimer


#251 - Alistair Forsyth built 1999 chassis, restored by Vaughan Boot and Gary Kent



*All images courtesy of VOSA.

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